- B2C
- Casual Dining
- Social Media
Flaming Grill
Bringing Back Challenges
We delivered an omnichannel campaign designed to improve brand awareness and exceeded like-for-like sales growth target by 36%.
Flaming Grill
We delivered an omnichannel campaign designed to improve brand awareness and exceeded like-for-like sales growth target by 36%.
Flaming Grill
We tapped into people’s conversations around pub life, creating a distinctive brand personality and increasing engagements by 265%.
Greene King
We discovered that couples are opting for more intimate ‘big days’ post-Covid and secured 13 national hits
Hungry Horse
We delivered 11 national and 169 regional hits launching a tasty new breakfast menu and driving footfall
Greene King
We increased YoY sales by 17.3% by offering one lucky person the chance to get paid for going to the pub
Greene King
We delivered 14 national news hits ahead of the return of the Premier League
Greene King
We delivered 15 national media hits for the world’s first ‘Alebnb’ – a frozen igloo, complete with lick-able beer walls
Hungry Horse
We helped to drive Christmas bookings through an insight-led, video-first, paid social campaign
Greene King
We delivered 196 pieces of coverage, with an 88% backlink rate, kicking off the 2019 Rugby World Cup in style
Hungry Horse
We delivered over 340,000 video views, driving widespread awareness of limited-edition burgers at Hungry Horse
Greene King
We delivered World Cup coverage on Match of the Day, The One Show, London Live, Channel5 News, Joe, MailOnline and more
Hungry Horse
We launched a search for a pub-licist, delivering 161 press hits, a 92% backlink rate and 100% key message delivery