- B2C
- Casual Dining
- Food and Drink
Greene King
We delivered 15 national media hits for the world’s first ‘Alebnb’ – a frozen igloo, complete with lick-able beer walls
Our integrated consumer campaigns have seen us unveil the world’s first Alebnb, launch a hand catwalk, hold a scrum-ber party, appoint the world’s first pub-licist, invent Glitter Gravy, create spoiler cover, and sell a diamond-a-day advent calendar.
We’ve taken people for trips in the ultimate cosy cab, identified what adulting really means, made money grow on trees, staged a royal-er coaster, and so much more.
For heaps of our consumer PR examples, as well as social media and paid media case studies, please see below.
Greene King
We delivered 15 national media hits for the world’s first ‘Alebnb’ – a frozen igloo, complete with lick-able beer walls
We achieved a 100% backlink rate from high domain authority websites for the world’s first Hand Catwalk
Hungry Horse
We helped to drive Christmas bookings through an insight-led, video-first, paid social campaign
Greene King
We delivered 196 pieces of coverage, with an 88% backlink rate, kicking off the 2019 Rugby World Cup in style
Hungry Horse
We delivered over 340,000 video views, driving widespread awareness of limited-edition burgers at Hungry Horse
We delivered 11 national media hits, with a 31% backlink rate, in the run-up to Freshers’ Week, a vital trading period for Endsleigh
Drayton Manor
We delivered global coverage for a campaign to promote ‘Adult and Toddler’ tickets at Drayton Manor
National Trust
We grew support for the National Trust’s cause, by building understanding, and making the organisation relevant to its target markets
Drayton Manor
We made money grow on trees in a campaign designed to create buzz around Drayton Manor at the start of its open season
We helped to deliver a sharp increase in Christmas sales thanks to a hardworking PR and link building campaign
National Trust
We delivered three pieces of broadcast coverage for the restoration of a curved wall garden, raising awareness of the National Trust’s vital conservation work
Drayton Manor
We delivered an 82% backlink rate from high domain authority news sites including The Sun, Mirror, Express and Metro