Pumping Up The Press Office
112 pieces of coverage
95% tier one coverage
The Challenge
To elevate Wilo UK’s press office strategy, increasing the brand’s share of voice, and positioning it as an authoritative thought leader within its sector.
As a leading pump manufacturer, Wilo UK was concerned that a decline in media presence could impact market share, so tasked WPR with devising a strategy to reverse the trend.
The Idea
We devised an approach that would:
- Rationalise under-performing content
- Improve the quality of articles
- Compete for attention with key audiences in their choice of media
- Win their interest through sign-ups, downloads, market share
To achieve this, we segmented Wilo UK’s audiences and developed a series of issues-based content addressing specific pain points.
Using senior figures in the organisation, we positioned Wilo UK’s solutions in the context of macroeconomic topics including urbanisation, water shortages and energy challenges. We also put Wilo UK at the helm of an industry-wide issue, that of non-compliant products.
By developing a solid pipeline of proactive thought leadership features, we maintained a regular presence in forward features, while also hijacking topical stories with reactive PR.
The Results
In 12 months, we achieved:
- 112 pieces of coverage (+27% on KPI)
- 63% share of voice in 2023 against Wilo’s primary competitor (a 33% increase from 2022)
- 94% tier one coverage
- A specification opportunity from the Ministry of Justice in response to an article
At Wilo’s annual marketing conference, the brand’s global marketing teams commended our effective PR strategy and strong results.
These results helped:
- in conjunction with the British Pump Manufacturer’s Association, encourage UK government to start mystery shopping wholesalers to crack down on non-compliant products.
- lead to several discussions with large companies around Wilo UK’s H2 Powerplants.
- Wilo UK’s residential building services division to have one of its strongest ever years.
63%share of voice