- B2C
- Healthcare
Care UK
Let's Talk About Dementia
We supported Care UK’s dementia awareness guide, delivering 130 pieces of coverage and a 252% increase in web traffic.
Care UK
We supported Care UK’s dementia awareness guide, delivering 130 pieces of coverage and a 252% increase in web traffic.
We integrated PR and social media activity to target a niche audience, exceeding report download targets by 200%.
National Buying Group
We made sure people were talking about the NBG’s Conference & Exhibition, delivering 2,330 LinkedIn engagements during the three-day event.
Redrow Homes
We discovered Brits want to know about nature and offered inspiration to boost wildlife in the spaces where we live, delivering over 40 pieces of coverage.
Alton Towers Resort
We brought the magic of Alton Towers Resorts to life on social media and increased Instagram reach by 420%.
West Midlands Safari Park
We reinvigorated WMSP’s influencer marketing activity, generating a stream of content creator reviews plus impactful high-profile and celebrity partnerships
We discovered the UK’s most scenic delivery route and achieved 12 national media hits
We highlighted the benefits of professional photo printing and attracted 1,200+ professional photographers to try Fujifilm’s service
We raised awareness of REHAU’s TABS and delivered 168 high quality downloads
Lloyd's Register Foundation
We delivered a global media relations campaign and secured over 360 pieces of coverage
Camping In The Forest
We partnered with the ‘Boy in the Tent’ and secured an 88% backlink rate.
We showcased Redrow’s stylish interiors, securing 100+ pieces of coverage in just five months