Our Work

Wrap Personalities

Mission Foods

38 pieces of coverage

10 national hits

The Challenge

To get consumers and journalists talking about wraps – not just recipes – taking the wrap from being the supporting act to the star of the show.

Crucially, we needed to create a standout moment for the brand, building on the brand platform ‘Mission Your Way’.

The Idea

We knew from Google trends research that ‘how to fold a wrap’ had seen consistent search growth, demonstrating people’s fascination with the variety of techniques and styles for assembling a wrap.

To tap into this demand, while emphasising there’s no ‘correct’ way to wrap, we asked behavioural expert Judi James to explain what Britain’s wrapping habits revealed about our personalities. Underpinned with research, we created a brand-centric video unveiling six wrap personalities, from the meticulous ‘careful crafter’ to the ambitious ‘hopeful overloader’. The supporting infographic helped people discover which was the match for them.

The Results

The story quickly took off, achieving:

  • 38 pieces of coverage
  • 10 national pieces including The Sun, The Mirror, Express and Daily Star
  • 28 regional pieces across the Reach PLC network
  • 22 publisher social shares

In addition:

  • 91% of all coverage included a video
  • 92% included images
  • 88% included the campaign infographic
  • 84% included the key campaign message

The campaign’s success helped to generate a 75% increase in organic search volume for Mission Foods

75%increase in organic search volume