INSIGHT REPORT: Christmas Unwrapped
A Marketer’s Guide To Christmas 2024
Christmas is always a crucial trading period but with recent festive seasons unfolding against a backdrop of lockdowns, political instability and a cost-of-living crisis, they’ve been challenging for many brands.
As we enter the golden quarter of 2024, what does this Christmas have in store?
To find out, we asked consumers how they’re feeling about their finances and their plans for Christmas spending.
Download your copy to discover:
- the factors that most influence their choice of brands
- what they want to see from the brands they follow on social media
- how concerned they are about the cost of living
- the areas they’ll be spending more on – or cutting back on – this year
- where they’re turning for Christmas gift inspiration
- what they’ll be prioritising in 2025.

WPR is an award-winning PR agency, based in Birmingham, renowned for getting the world talking about the brilliant brands we work with. We specialise in consumer PR, across sectors including food and drink, retail and leisure; B2B PR, where we work with companies spanning manufacturing, construction and HVAC industries; and social media.
To start a conversation about how we can get the world talking about your business, please get in touch – we’d love to chat.